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Projects Exhibition/Installation l Lighthouse Evangelism Woodlands Main Auditorium

Main Worship Auditorium

Lighthouse Evangelism Woodlands, Singapore

Lighting Consultation 
l Design

In April of 2021, Lighting Insomnia was engaged as the lighting consultant and designer for Soundsmith Solutions to pitch for the tender to redesign and execute the entire revamp of the Woodlands main worship in Woodlands for Lighthouse Evangelism Singapore.


The photo realistic 3D visualisation showcased the possibility of what the new lighting design, more then 21 pieces of 2m by 1m additional led panels, a 20metre by 5m led wall, along with a brand new stage design, can do.


Lighting Insomnia helped the team to wow the client with our aesthetically pleasing, video shots friendly and creative lighting design. And we were successful in winning the tender.

After the final design was completed, Lighting Insomnia conducted an equipment shootout between multiple manufacturers to pick out the most suitable fixtures for each specific use.

Ayrton's Khamsin, Zonda 9 Wash and Cobra, along with Chauvet's Q40, and Astera's Titan Tubes was selected, purchased and installed. All of the newly acquired equipment, along with the church original Clay Paky Unicos and K20s, was incorporated to the new lighting plot.

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